


Do you want a prepper pantry stocked with delicious and nutritious grains, but don’t know where to start?


Then my new course is for YOU.


We all know things are bad in this country. Inflation is through the roof. Shortages are now the new norm. Plus nature likes to throw hurricanes and droughts into the mix just to make it interesting.
It can be kinda scary wondering how we’re going to provide meals for our families in an economic downturn or natural catastrophe.
Friends, I get it.
I’ve been there.
I’ve seen those expensive, freeze-dried food kits or the #10 cans of powdered eggs, and thought, Ew. No thanks!
I’ve wondered, How in the world can I feed my family in a crisis without breaking the bank or building an extra stock room onto the back of my house??
But that was then. This is now.
After more than a decade studying the incredible nutritional value of grains and the ancient ways people throughout the world have prepared for hard times, I know how to prepare. In fact, I’ve been able to amass a prepper pantry FULL of delicious potential for pennies on the dollar.
“I love the way you have brought God's word into the subject of food storage.”
-Tammy R.